Turkey's Erdogan responds to US decision on 1915 events

The terminology being used is less importance, and I dont care if it was 500 000 or 1 500 000 Armenians deaths, when the whole world except the Ultra Zionist Regime and its master out of Britain like the House of Windsor does not recognize the deaths of hundreds of thousands killed, I intend to believe the rest of the world and the pictures we have seen with open mass graves with starving Armenians in again mass numbers and other evidence the rest of the world have acknowledged and recognized as matter of fact, and also from the very similar behavior we have seen lately by President Erdogan with his lofty grandiose ideas of expanding Turkeys borders, we are not surprised by what the reaction of this too, it follows the same pattern and the pattern is clear for all to see, the rest of the world is seeing the facts on the ground but Erdogan and some of his supporters always sees things differently than the rest of the world, what happened to the Armenians in the Ottoman era was a WAR CRIME, no doubt about that, and I dont understand why so many Turks cannot just accept the fact and move on, it was not you the Turks of today that committed these war crimes, it was in another time and in another era, every people have their dark past, we learn from it apologize and move on, and thats it, the reason so many Turks does not even want to recognize this fact is because Erdogan have made them believe the Ottoman era is returning, which is ridiculous it will never happen, so these Turks dont want the stain of the past to over shadow their grand plans of a new empire which Erdogan thinks he will be the head of, again, this is wishful thinking, such ideas will lead to war and then there will be only some losers coming out of it, so I ask the good Turks to be sensible and recognize that only together as one bigger family will we reach all heights, on your own, you wont get anywhere and I mean you will even lose what you now have, war is not the solution some in your country are seeking to bring upon you, an expansion of your borders will only lead to one and only direction, conflicts with others, cant if you cant see this then you are out of your minds, so just relax and enjoy life and unify with the rest of mankind, which are your own people too, we are.      
