Why The ‘American Dream’ is Alive... in Sweden

Let me inform you all something about Sweden that was missed out here. Countless of times I had this discussion with people in Sodom about the society they have created, I have been critical even though back then I was a loyal resident of that country, of course there are aspects you are critical and on other issues you are supporting of, the issues I was critical of about the Swedish society was that, its all a front a fasad that everything was fine there, because if it was, then how come 1 in 5 of their population over 18 are on ant depressive medication, how come 30% of their people are heavy drinkers and how come the rest are on some kind of drugs, the truth is less than 10% of their population are clean from some kind of drugs, honest to God, I barely knew anyone who was not on some kind of drug, they are all high on something there, and another fact, just under 50% of their population have been sexually molested some time in their lives, and I am not going into conspiracy facts, the fact that its a luciferian sex cult running that shit hole of a country, I didnt name it Sodom for nothing, if any country in this times have any resemblance with the actual Sodom, its Sweden Denmark and Norway, Scandinavia is a sick place, the reason I never wanted to marry or have kids when I grew up and lived there was because of, over my dead body I would like a child of mine growing up there, I rather have none, and for my friends here believers of God, imagine growing up in a society where ZERO of tv programs ever mentioned anything with God, 100% of the programs preached atheism, that we are from apes, the Sodomites are actually descendants of monkeys, I am not, not one single of my ancestors originated from apes like they, as I have told you Sodom is the most atheistik country in the world, so the question is, as you can imagine, some Evil Power have worked on these people for some time for them to fall to the lows they are today. So the discussions I had with people and the counter arguments they made was this, they told me this, look what welfare state we have created, no sick people, (they dont mentioned the many mentally sick there, the fact that they are all on drugs, and the fact that you can never get a straight answer from someone constantly high) and they also argued that, there are no poor people begging, they have universal healthcare for all, and that everything is clean, sure it all sounds good or look good on front but what about all other things hidden, and the Sodomites are good at hiding their real faces, I think I told you friends the first days I was taken to Sodom by someone, I was a little kid but I never forgot it, the person told me, watch out because these Swedes will cut your head of with a piece of cotton, of course as a kid, I didnt pay much attention to it back then, but it was perhaps the most informative kindest advise anyone had offered me, but I was too of a young kid to understand the magnitude of this advise, so I made my own mistakes and learned from it. When I heard some of my friends making these counter arguments how wonderful Sodom is, they all disregarded any of my points why that place is in need of change, they were under the impression that, no changes is needed, and I couldnt rap my head around their naivety and ignorance, today I know why they made these arguments, they are all part of the Game and they were awarded to take the side of their Evil One, this luciferian sex cult running the show over there. Even back then I was smart enough to understand why their government and system was designed the way it was, sure they offer healthcare social services sure things are clean but it come with a great heavy cost, and the cost was the reaction and the responses I received from the supporters of that system so many are benefitting from, but in my mind, to what cost, now you are almost a 100% atheistic country, abandoned God and His mercy and look at you now, all are high on drugs and mentally sick, and not any kind of sickness, half of your population have been sexually molested some time or multiplied times in their lives, it has become a way of life there, people abusing other people, like they did in Sodom, Sodom is the only right name for Sweden, and I can assure you all here about something, Satan gave them something they could worship with their eyes but in return he took their souls, Sodom is a soulless country, very abusive people, and its NOT just the native Sodomized, the second gen immigrants have also lost their souls and become like the rest of them, its all true friends, Sodom is NOT a country we should look up to, we can do so much better than they could never had imagined it in their wildest dreams, in time all those good Swedes left there would wanna leave that shit hole of a place and come over here to us, to be like us, and they are welcome I say :) in this country, we still thank God for preserving some goodness left, listen friends, I believe it or not, still respect my Evangelicals friends for having strong faith, I believe you have been mislead but your hearts are in the right place, for sure, politics aside, rapture and all that aside, I very much appreciate you for keeping the faith in God alive and well, you are much more my kind of people than those I grew up with, this is paradise for me compared to Sodom, but we still have to do even better than this.

God bless America :):) and hell with the mollas too, I forgot to mention that ;) they are also a bunch or dirty rats, fucking sellouts, they will be dealt with in time, I am gonna be the end of them, God willing.
