29-Year-Old Jewish Man Beaten by Pro-Palestinian Supporters in NYC

I dont care if Josef here is a Zionist or not, he didnt held any weapons in his hands, and therefor assaulting him is a crime and those who beat him must be punished, but the issue is bigger than this, the problem is the message Satanyaho is sending that is harmful for the Jewish people who are buying into his war like rhetoric that is tiring up problems all over the place, something we dont need ANYWHERE, I have stated, I dont mind you even being a Zionist, I only have an issue with the Ultra Zionists, the extremists, you can be pro Israel all you want, we can agree to disagree its all fine, but if your message is war like, if your message is of the very extreme like, and we know what that sounds like, we have heard it before, to burn up Gaza and the Palestinians, then I take an issue with you, then you have problems on your hand, I have been around long enough to understand how people can be driven into things they dont have a clue what they are being drawn into, its called brainwashing, I am ok with it, I dont blame these people too much, because I still believe they can be turned back to a normal state of mind, I can tolerate these people, but what I will not tolerate is those who are brainwashing them to think, there is only one way and that is to kill off the other kind, and this goes to both sides, these people and those who take to extremes and end up hurting people, you will be punished, because the only time you are allowed to hurt someone is if they have a weapon in their hands, as soon as they drop their weapon, you are not allowed to do them any kind of harm, specially when they peacefully demonstrate, their rights must be preserved, regardless ! who they are and what they have to say, this is the Law and no man is above it, no man, this goes for everyone. 
We have extremists who have murdered countless of children in this conflict and we have extremists who assault people like Jacob here, and we dont like any of these criminals.
