Arab Nurse Saves Jewish Israeli From Mob Attack

God willing soon with Satanyaho out of the picture things will turn for the better, God willing, cousins wouldnt fight like this, they only do with when little devils whispers and conspire among old friends and causes trouble like this, blessed be the peace makers, we dont need more Satanyahos stirring up trouble for their own selfish gains too many have payed many ultimate prices for their political adventures, the world has suffered because of these corrupt individuals, like Satanyaho, his name should be stained forever and ever and associated with corruption and betrayal to all Gods children and His green Earth, he should go to jail for all his evil deeds, I dont know if people can imagine Satanyaho never were in the picture, how nicer things would have looked like, such a shame with him Israel should make his day of birth a day of national mourning, this will be his legacy I can promise you that, I announce worldwide celebration the day he has left public disservice, parties all over the place, fireworks music free foods and drinks the whole shebang !!! prepare for the Big Party right now already and it has to be broadcasted live worldwide in all major cities all across the world, this day needs to be remembered and recorded in history books, its gonna be great :)
