Broadmoor: Savile was 'a lunatic in charge of the asylum'

Jimmy Savile has access to the police to schools to asylum clinics everywhere defenseless people took refuge in, and queen elisabeth made him Sir Jimmy Savile, he was the best friend of the Tampon Prince and Phil as well, from official reports, he was accused by over 200 victims, and trust me this monster is not the only one connected to the state with police departments having his back, in fact according to his own statements, those whom accused him of sexual abuse, he used to send the police to them for change their statements with intimidation tactics and what not, he was part of this national child molesting luciferian cult, and every country have this cult operating as active as the UK branch, and they are all connected, I remember in Sodom (Sweden) those so called friends of mine who were molested every year go free tickets to Norway to Poland to Spain to other places for a week, when they came back they had full of money in their pockets, these kids are being sent around get molested and came back and acted so cool now with some pocket money, and here is the sad part, their parents knew all about it and actually encouraged it, most of these kids were first gen or even second gen immigrants but many Swedes too, I have so many stories to tell about their inner workings and I will write about it little by little because I want it to have maximum effect :) and SHAME on these losers who say there are not international sex rings doing this to kids, fuck you all, may you all go to Hell and stay there, you are covering for the worse king of monsters like Jimmy Savile and such, hell with you all, this is all true, and I intend to speak about it to my dying day, I will never ever stop, I am a one way street, you cant negotiate with me, you wont be able to talk me out of it, you have nothing that I want, nothing at all, and I know what these senior well connected pedophiles are thinking right now, you know I cannot be stopped because you have tried everything and failed, you know I will succeed, what you wish is, you wish you die before that day I have full authority to bring you to the light and justice, I know this is your wish, not to be here on that day, because you know I wont go easy on you, no matter who you are, you can be royalty presidents prime ministers billionaires mollas warlords or whatever, what I can say is this, and I promise you it, even if you die before I get to you, I will clone a dead body of you with no soul in, just your image, I will put your image on display, and let people spit on your body, walk over it, punch it do whatever they like, and when that soulless body is torn apart, I will clone a new one of you and so I shall done to the end of days on this planet, if you think the world will forget you after you have departed to Hell, think again, I have the means the technology to all that and much more, you have messed with the wrong man, just remember what I said, the Day of Reckoning is soon at hand and you will be held accountable for everything you have done, see you on that day :) 
