CHARM OFFENSIVE | Kate Middleton's smart move revealed

This is what I am getting at for Gods sake, Prince Harrys ugly half brothers PR department are at full swing promoting the hell out of Will I Am and his skinny ugly prepared bride Waity Katy as funky people and what do Prince Harry do, acting like a miserable with mental problems doing yoga bullshit and funny science experiments, damn man what the hell is wrong with you Harry ?? you need to do some fun stuff too, fuck this is America brother, they like crazy people over here, why did you think I took my ass over here, you need to do some crazy shit, Kentucky Derby, crashing cars tow cars into each other and see who will survive, heck you can be my side kick crashing cars bro, shooting big guns or blowing up shit, this is the kind of stuff those sissies in England cannot do, this is the stuff YOU need to do man, let Will I Am dress like SpiderMan that little punk, we are fucking Hollywood over here, yours truly that is :) lets do some fun stuff out maneuvering them, cant you see how easy we could be the most popular Royals ever existed and you are sitting there nagging about mental health and crap, let show the real mentals Willy Boy and Waity Katy how we do things over here, I dont know what more to tell you man, if you dont get this and when you have been sidelined then its all on yourself brother, dont say I never told you the way, this is the way, Murican Style !!! and after every stunt we can go on line and talk shit about them and they wont be able to respond lol with all our potential and we are just sitting on it, its a shame man, a total waste of awesomeness on our part, consider what I said here. 
