Concerns grow over Gaza's humanitarian crisis

When I hear that little girl Sara is now paralyzed I am thinking, may God punish me for ever and ever if I have done something wrong here :( I hope I was in her place right now :( you cant imagine how I feel right now, its one of my worst day I dont remember last time I felt this miserable as I do right now, miserable is the right word :( I would have traded places with her right now and if God would have granted me this I would have felt much better, again, i ask God if I have done something wrong here, may He make my life a living hell for ever and ever, and the thing is, Sarah is not the only one here, there are lot more of here, how can a man live with these decisions I make, you have no clue how terrible I feel thinking about all these innocent people these children now disabled because of the making of some, and that some I have a blame for, I take some of this blame on myself :( I am not even going to blame this on the Zionists even though they share most of this, but how can a man live with himself knowing he had a hand in this :( :(I dont know what more to say say other than, believe me, I would have traded places with all these people who have lost limbs right now, the dead are at a better place but those who are still with is disables, I cant live with thinking they are still alive with limbs missing and I am here still walking, I ask you all for your forgiveness :(:( in my mind, I am only trying to do the right thing as best as I know it, lets pray to God He eases all our pains, and I feel the same pain these Sarahs are under right now, I would have traded places with all of them right now, dont think otherwise, I would.  
