Concha on NYT updating headline of op-ed calling anti-Semitic attacks 'a...

The Jews are smart enough to read between the lines, they know the far right which Fox News lean on are no supporters and true friends of any Jews and thats why they dont subscribe to this rhetoric, the Jews will stand with me, I am the one who trying to wake those of them who still are sleepwalking up to the fact that, these are the ones who have caused you all the trouble so far, because they are corrupt, its that simple, you cant trust rusty corrupt people, because even religiously speaking, these people seek to start WW3 this Armageddon in which you either convert to their beliefs or burn down, while we have no objections what you believe in, nobody is trying to convert you here, we are trying to open your minds and set you free and not only you but the rest of mankind too, we are not the ones who trying to force you to follow any other faith, we are trying to turn you to your own Holy Torah, back to what you used to believe and follow and not to anyone elses Holy Scriptures but back to your own to be the best version of your own and not anyone elses, the message here is simple, dont turn to the extremes and everything will be alright, but Fox News doesnt seems to get this simple message.
