Dr. Cornel West: This Was My Last Straw With Obama

My final straw with Obama was when he insisted to call this little cult of his BLM instead of what I suggested Black Lives Matter Too, I know why he insisted on this, first of all, he is a stupid man a blind man a man that could not see what I am trying to do, to create something much bigger than he ever could be, so out of jealousy and mistrust of me, he rather created this cult which worshiped him and him alone, he thinks that will be his legacy, I personally dont need blind men walking astray instead of be part of something much greater, he sees no farther than his own race, he thinks he has found comfort there and he likes to keep it that way, while I transcend all races because my enemy Satan and his luciferian cult is a global phenomenon, its not contained in just one race, so naturally I have to go global too and invite all races to join me in defeating this satanic cult all around the world, Obama is too big of a coward to even go near these people, yes he is a coward and I dont need such pussys around me, and I dont need his BLM leaders anywhere near me too, because in Scriptures we have been told if you are in this struggle for the sake of enriching yourself for the sake of material gain they God will stop guiding you and you will fall astray, we know Obama encouraged his commie cult followers to be handsomely payed, to buy multi million dollar houses, out of this movement, look I dont care what ideology you subscribe to, you can be a commie for all I care, but if you let yourself be corrupted with money, then you are a hypocrite like Obama is, and we dont need people like you, personally I could have sat on top of the world right now if I shook the hand of these luciferians, materially I wouldnt have to worry about anything, but spiritually I would have committed suicided and fallen to Hell eventually, which all these hypocrites will too in its time, and for me one thing is clear, either God let you see and guides you, and it will be visible for those with eyes to see whom is on the right track and who is not, and I can help you to recognize this, those whom let themselves getting payed for the social justice causes they pretend to advocate for and those who would not take that Mark of the Beast, for me its clear, and I dont need blind men like Obama in my circle, in fact when everything is said and done, when I take my seat on top of the world without anyone handing it over to me, I want to take it, I dont need it handed over, its going to be taken, then on that day people like Obama will have no place around my table he can already take it out of his mind, I have sacrificed too much for him and he let me down not once but over and over again, and I wont forget it, and he also should know this, 99% of his cult followers will eventually when they have woken up will come over to my side, and Obama will be left with nothing because the damages his rhetorics has caused with the rioting with the burning with the chaos his cult has created has set us back to a degree, these are his cult followers, while my loyal educated polite people when they demonstrate they are at their best behavior, thats the difference between us, we are constructive we want to build on what is good and sustainable to get results while his people crash and burn and cant finish a sentence without destroying something.

Good luck Obama, you are a walking talking blind man, a loser you are not needed we dont want you, now go and fuck yourself :)    
