Fear of UFOs predicted in the Bible

If the Bible the New Testament was not retranslated over and over again, it would have been more clear of what has been stated in it, and remember in the Holy Texts, we have been told what is and what is not and what is to come as warnings to stay on the right path, and the warnings are not heeded and ignored, then higher powers will unleash what was held back, the destructive forces, and remember, God and His higher powers have no obligation to keep people safe when they are not interested in keeping themselves safe, of course why would He, would you keep insisting to anyone unconditionally having their backs, no you wouldnt not even to your own children, there is no such thing as unconditional love, there is a point to everything, would you love your child if that child had murdered everyone in your family cold blooded, if you say yes then you are lying to yourself and to everyone, and now when you see the children of God killing themselves and everyone around them if you were God what would you have done, you would have turned your back on these children, of course there is a such thing as free will and with this there will be some very few one that wouldnt kill their siblings no matter what and rest assured that God and His higher powers will look after these, certainty in the next life but according to a plan to some here in this life too, one of the absolute main pillars in faith among Believers is the concept of the the Day of Judgment, meaning, life continues, and things will be judged and separated, the nice people will go their way and the fools another never to be mix again, so as a believer myself, death here in this world means not what it means for many others, we dont value the worldly a bit, we value what is to come, the everlasting good life, far away from where the hypocrites will be thrown at, where there will be not a moment of rest, but everlasting pain and suffering, and this is what the purpose of life is, to separate between these two groups, and when you have free will do do as you please, you wont be able to blame anyone but yourself, but it really doesnt matter if you blame because you will be absolutely powerless to do anything about it, like when you have be sentenced to jail time, when you are in prison, yo can blame anyone you want, you wont get out after getting judged, you can blame the whole world all you want, you still are kept there till appointed time, the truth is, we all will go though Hell, when our debt is payed off to the last penny, and it can take some long time before your time is up to be free, then you will be taken out, some many will remain there with not a chance of getting out, I have told you, we have forgivable sins and unforgivable sins, but every sin will be payed for, there is no direct way to Paradise but for children, so lucky those children who left this world at an early stage, I can promise you, regardless what their parents think or say, if you talked to those kids, they wouldnt have traded it for anything, they are very happy with the arrangement, so dont be sad for them, fear what is about to happen to yourself, you are in big big trouble, soon all hell will break loose here and then you will realize what I said, we are not alone and there is a Creator watching it all, and He is not happy with what is going down here, what you have done, doomed yourself and many others as well, we are living in very special and interesting times right now, you are so screwed :)
