How children in both Israel and Gaza experienced the conflict - BBC News

Before the creation of the Zionist Regime in the Holy Land, the grand parents of these kids used to sit outside and play backgammon smoking shisha and drink tea together, 70 years later look what Zionism have created, poverty for both the Jews and the Palestinians, while making us pay for their adventures, its about damn time we stop calling them our allies, they are NOT our allies, what have they ever done for us, they have forced us to be their allies, to come for their aid whenever they need something, and when we give them our money our military secrets and when they steal yes actually steal our industrial secrets what do you think they do, sell it to the highest bitter and thats always the CCP, the even sold American made HAWK SAMs we gave them to defend themselves to Iran during the Iran Iraq war behind our backs, you cant make this up, its all public knowledge, google it, its all there, the mollas ran out of their anti air missiles the Zionists sold it to them, this is what they always do, so let me ask you, what kind of ally is that, a friend doesnt do that, steal whats yours and sell it to others, but they did, and also dont forget the sinking of USS Liberty outside Egypt, the Zionists did that too to draw America into the war against Egypt, and the Zionists killed hundreds of US sailors in their relentless attack on that US Navy ship, then there is 911 with them and the Saudis too, I mean give me a break with this ally bullshit, and you all remember, President Obama gave them everything they needed and yet they still called him racist names, this is their true nature the Zionist Regime, they are only Satans allies and no one elses, they are just bad actors in the international scene and everyone knows that, Zionism have been the worst thing happening to the Jewish people and this is precisely why 70% of the world Jewish population despises them, and so do I, we should go back to when we sat outside each others homes and socialized and chilled, I hope these kids one day will experience what their grand parents experienced, when they can tell stories about how bad Zionism was when they were kids and how good things are now, that would be worth it all I say. 
