How QAnon found a home in Britain | Hannah Explains

This tells me that the Brits are smarter than the Americans, because this luciferian child molesting cult is widespread and is not contained in just one political ideology or two or three, its everywhere, we know as matter of fact that British royal family is on the top when it comes to these things, and if they are on the top levels, then you can just more than just assume it trickles down and it has, because the pedos think they have cover from others above them, I know as I have talked about before, in Sodom (Sweden) the luciferian pedophiles are in the government in their police departments I can even name people if you like, in the schools, in my school it was like a MK Ultra program where female teachers were screwing my male (boys) friends, we all knew it who fucked with whom (teachers) I mean it was all over the place, they even had orgies in the gym building, the teachers some students and their parents where the local police officers came and had their piece too, employees from government social departments and programs, I even knew a " Muslim" Pakistani girls with her head scarf and everything and she was not just the only so called Muslim girl wearing head scarf, there were others too, people you wouldnt suspect a bit where they were actually up to, ohh and this too, our school female dentist were there too, it was horrific where these shia mollas sent me to, to who them sold me to, my upbringing, I have seen it all, and FUCK YOU if you say this is not true with these international luciferian child sex cults, because its active in Iran in the UK in US in Sodom in all countries, so fuck you, its all true, this is just the top of the iceberg, there are much more to it than what I saw with my own eyes. 
