Iran Bans Bitcoin Mining

Next time I hear these satanic mollas with their Supreme Whore are God fearing believers I am gonna go ballistic on them, I have told you whom actually rules over Iran, SATAN ! its in the Scriptures !! any Believer is FULLY aware of what has been subscribed to us what blessed currency is, and when see these shia molla hypocrites do the opposite what does this tells you, Iran is under sanctions there are already power shortages people are suffering and what do these satanic IRGC mollas do, cutting your power to mine cryptos for themselves, they are using Irans oil to enrich themselves WHILE the Iranian people are suffering, these people are NOT believers, they are luciferians and corrupt as hell, you need to overthrow these mollas, there is no other way, they must be held accountable for the corruption they are behind, these mollas are your worst enemies, dont get distracted by this Israel Palestine conflict, ALL parties are corrupt as and evil and traitors to their own people, you need to wake up people, there are no good guys between these power hungry thugs, they are all just as bad, all your suffering all these high prices you pay for everything your low wages your high taxes all this is their doing, they are taking advantage of your, never forget that and never buy into their divisive rhetoric, war is a racket a money making machine, this is something they all take advantage of, and YOU are paying for it !!   
Look I have told you who is behind Bitcoin, the Antichrist, trust me on this, he and his family are behind this, and they also own central banks, I know because I was once at the early stages to get along with it, I refused then and I havent changed my mind now, its pure evil, its meant to make the poor even poorer and the rich richer, and only the greediest out there and the dumbest for that matter plays this game, the dumb are making themselves poorer by taking this Mark of the Beast while the ones who initiated this will eventually also go to Hell, do NOT take this Mark of the Beast, there will be many of these mark of the beast which I will inform you about when the time is right, be content with what you have and stop being greedy, it will be your downfall otherwise.
