Iran’s Guardian Council disqualifies most presidential hopefuls

I strongly urge ALL Iranian people to STOP VOTING, boycott it and tell everyone you know that voting is a way for these very satanic mollas to stay in power, this should be the only talking point amongst you Iranians, what you should do instead is to undermine this molla regime in any shape or form you can, you should expose their hypocrisy and evilness to the best of your abilities, these mollas are the children of Satan they have waged war on you and you are allowed to respond in kind, they are your enemies, now treat them as such !
I am thinking about these naive stupid and also at times very corrupt royalists of Iran arguing how much better things were with that idiot of a shah in Iran ruling, the truth of the matter is, I know some things you dont know, I know for a fact that during the shah, children were disappearing in very large numbers never to be found again, people suspected luciferians being behind it, and as a matter of fact, and I know what I am talking about, the rumors were true, children were disappearing for this kind of purposes, then I am thinking, didnt the highest authority in Iran this asshole of a shah know about this and who these people were, of course he did, but did he anything to stop it, of course he didnt, he let it continue, I am not saying he had a direct hand in it but he did look the other way while these crimes were committed, then I am thinking, what would God think and do to such a ruler, well we know what He did with him and his family, I have also informed you that the sister of shah was the biggest heroin smuggler perhaps in human history because she had control of Iran Afghanistan border, she ran the whole operation, the luciferians got their cut the shah got his cut and everyone else also got their piece of the action, and did I also told you, the heroin over dose shahs own kids died of, ironic isnt it or it is Supreme Justice at play, I say it is, you can disagree but I am always right, so the question is asked again, was the shah really such a good leader or was he one corrupt son of a bitch, now to the mollas, did you guys think the mollas stopped those practices in Iran or are they also benefitting from the same deals from the past, of course they are, I also have noticed you that the luciferians are just as active with their child molestations in Iran as they were before, the same heroin deals are still in place the same families are still doing what they did in the past nothing has changed, so my question to the molla supporters is this, are these mollas really better than the shah of the past, and lets not talk about the MEK cult members, there is actually nothing wicked than they are, they give hypocrisy a new meaning, but they dont even count because this MEK MKO cult are in very small numbers, a few millions worldwide so they dont even count.
I am telling you all, these mollas WILL be forcefully removed like their general Soleimani was removed, you wanna see how it ended up with him sure I post the pictures, see what God planed his death and even in his death at his funeral, this monster brought another 70 deaths to Hell with him, even in death he brought more death, this should tell you everything you should know about the legacy of a monster. 
