Israel, Palestine 'entitled' to 2-state solution: Secretary of State Bli...

Here is the truth, Blinken is nothing more than part of a mouthpiece of his master and that is NOT Biden, just as Biden is also part of the mouthpiece of someone else, I am going to give you all a couple of reasons why this is an illusion and will never work, first of all, its NOT something God wants, and this reason should be enough but let me continue, second, the Palestinians nor many Israelis and Jews want to see this happen, people on the ground dont want this, so it doesnt matter what these very corrupt politicians say, it will never happen, thirdly, one other reason it wont happen is because, Israel will NEVER allow this little piece of the Holy Land that is Gaza and the West Bank to have full authority of their own like having a independent military, Israel this Zionist Entity wont go along with it, and in turn the Palestinians wont accept terms like this, what the Zionist Regime want is still an enormous amount of control of this so called Palestinian "independent state", and no Muslims anywhere around the world go along with this too, if you take all this in consideration, if you have an independent mind unlike these corrupt payed politicians, you will quickly realize this what they are saying, is an illusion, but because they are paid to say what they keep on repeating they have to do as they are told, I have stated this, I bet my life right now that there will never be any two state solution in the Holy Land, they either will learn to live in peace with one other or war will break out and there will be not many left to tell about it but a very few selected ones, then they can celebrate a United Holy Land, they can pass on to their offsprings, and I fear the ladder is true, war will break out with all the crazy regimes including the Zionist Regime they will kill each other off, and I dont mind that to be honest, after they have killed each other off, the remaining ones will realize, they should have listened to me and not to these very corrupt politicians, if you have done what I am telling you, you would have found peace by now, but as stubborn as you are, you are now forced to make your own mistakes and learn from it, and this mistake will lead to millions upon millions of deaths, count your deaths in may God forbid in hundreds of millions and you get the picture. 
