Jim Jordan sounds off on Biden's 'America last' policy

You guys are terrible advisers, if Mr Trump had listen to me and taken my advise more religiously and acted upon it a bit quicker his presidency and personal business would have been alright now, you folks devastated his life his presidency and his personal money making opportunities so why should he be used by you again at the age he is at now by bringing more calamities and misfortune upon his brand name further, you gave him false promises misguided advice that led to all this now, I wrote to him a couple of years ago and warned him about people like you and told him not letting him be used by you but he didnt listen, he heard me but by then he was already too deep in to it to reverse course and here we are today, he wont run for office again and Melania wont let him so get that out of your heads right now and start planning what you are going to do in twenty years or so or a couple of election cycles in the future because you are far far behind by this point, you wont be able to catch up, because you are stupid and I am so so much smarter :) :)
