Keiser Report | Bitcoin Better Than Bonds | E1703

Dont pretend you are giving people sound advise, you havent told people of "stuffs" years and months in advance, you only told them one thing and one thing alone and that one thing you are repeating day and night is the same thing you yourself were told by the one who created Bitcoin to repeat on your show, that Bitcoin will take off and sure thing it took of, but not because you Max are so smart but because you were recruited and was given assurances that it will take of, the same one who recruited you are the same banksters who are seeking to collapse the world economy, I know what you are up to Max, you are one greedy evil soulless son of a bitch, thats what you are, there are elements within the bankster community who seek to bring about chaos to the world, they are no longer driven by profits, they serve the Red Dragon who has given them authority to bring about chaos and destruction to the world and people like you Max are doing their biddings, you sold out Max, there is a special place in Hell for people like you.
Here is the thing with crypto currencies people need to understand and not buy into what agents of Evil like Max are trying to convince you to. If there only were one single digital currency around and nothing else, that would have been one thing, it wouldnt have worked better than fiat currency, but thats not the case, there are many problems right now and these problems will not go away, one is, as long as there are fiat currencies printed by banks, the more people pour their fiat money into to these cryptos, the more central banks will be forced to print more of, because politicians will demand it and why is that, because at a higher rate inflation is increasing, voters will demand from their elected officials to do something about it and the only way politicians know how to fix the problem is to print more of it, and so it continues, it will only get worse and worse till everything collapses, and the ones you serve Max are not dumb people, they know this will happen and they are looking forward to it, and you hare helping them achieve this Max, because you think you will have a seat around their table as you have been promised, but here is the thing, the digital banks these fools like you have stored your Bitcoins at, what happens if those servers crash for some reason too, then idiots like yourself will also lose everything you have and many others too, the thing naive fools like yourself never understand is that, these people are never to be trusted, because the top, their master the Red Dragon sees even loyal foot soldiers like yourself as cannon folder, useful idiots, but dont take my word for it, I predict everything you stand for will also one day disappear and you will wake up and realize what mistake you had committed, buying to their false promises, you are a fool Max, one day people will blame you for your advise on where they should have invested their money at and on that day, there wont be any safe places to hide at Max, but for now you think you are on a roll and you wont heed my words, but my words are getting recorded and people can go back and see for themselves when and what I warned all them of, people like you Max, the enemy of humanity.
