Khamenei urges Iranians to ignore calls to boycott presidential poll

You make me sick, I actually physically feel sick when I see or hear from you and your molla cult who have sold their souls to the Devil, rest assured that you will share all other evil autocrats before you and you and those around you, all of you will also die poor, what I am hearing is, Bitcoin was created in Iran by the one you sold your molla soul to, the argument that you mollas are adopting cryptos to avoid sanctions is only partly correct, there are more than one side to your argument, one is, the Evil One this False Prophet who created Bitcoin and the digital banks and its servers these idiots with these cryptos keep their digital currencies, he is not affected by any damn sanctions anywhere, they are the owners of the central banks everywhere anyway, the second side of the argument is, the world these evil luciferians have created by design need a good guy and a bad guy and you mollas have willing accepted the part of playing the bad guys and as result, you have (only) sanctioned a nations population and the name of a nations, in this case Iran and the Iranian people while your own connected individuals in the Iranian molla deep state you are not sanctioned only he low level cult members of yours ever get sanctioned for the papers to look proper in the eyes of the world, and in this process you have only managed to hurt one group, everyone else by your own group, you are looting whatever you can to the point that people are left with nothing, this is your purpose, to serve Evil, your massive amount of corrupt dealing is the sign of what and who you mollas are, you are just as big of a terrorist regime as the Zionist terrorist regime is, and unlike others, I know who is behind your both, the only thing that differs between your molla terrorist regime and the Zionist terrorist regime is the public rhetoric of both of you, everything else is a copy of both your deeds, this tell me, naive people have been hypnotized by your public disagreements you are using both to stay in power for your own benefit because if you lost that, you will lose everything, you no longer would stay in power, Gog and Magog is a hidden power behind the scene controlling you both, and they will cause chaos in the world, I dont know what these crypto fools think when they keep their most fake currencies in these digital banks and its servers, what if these servers for any reason stop working, you know that you will lose everything you fools dont you, God warned us not to take the Mark of the Beast in any shape or form or we will lose everything, in this world and next, but people like Max Keizer and of like, I know for a fact that he sold his soul to the Devil long ago, he was instrumental when Bitcoin was launched, the Evil One guaranteed him that this new crypto currency will take of like no other, and so it did as he was promised it would, but thats not the whole story, I am telling you friends, the same Evil One who created Bitcoin is also in charge of its digital banks, so like the fiat currencies, they both own the supply of it and its banks too, its the same people and the final plan is this, its sinister friends, they are planning a massive collapse of all currencies to finalize their final plan, global depopulation ! because what they are doing is NOT out of greed for more money, they already own everything, they serve Satan and he wants to kill you all of, and meanwhile Satan have given them of the worldly to enjoy themselves, you heard it here friends, the role of China is this, they are playing their own game here, they are not fully in the pockets of the False Prophet, they are just as evil, they are coping them but wants to be independent of these other group of Luciferians, but it works just as well for Satan because they are following the same game plan whether they like it recognize it or not, it all goes at the same direction, they are all doing he will of Satan, the only thing that remains is, the woke masses, this is the Age of Awakening, you need to stay awake and trust what I am saying, do not take any Marks of the Beast as best as you can, support your local businesses, keep the wealth within your community, be nice and support one other and keep the faith strong rock solid, be independent and stay away from any cults or cult like groups, neighborly closeness is what can save you, because I am telling you, things in society will eventually collapse, all these cryptos will collapse, it will be done so by design and on that day, you need something solid to stand on.
These cryptos MUST get heavily regulated and taxed because of the inflation is creating, the sooner its regulated the better for working class people, and working class people or any class of people should not pour their money and time into this schemes, its better for you this way, I am here only to warn you I can do nothing more.

And to the Iranian people, totally boycott ALL elections in Iran, and spread the word how crocket the mollas are.
