LEAKED AP Memo Shows Damage Control on Fired Reporter

Thats right, who the fuck is Ben fucking Shapiro to tell who is going to be hired or fired at AP, it this how we are going to play this now, hell no, this young lady need to be rehired with a fucking raise ! she should be hired as senior editor now or even something better or AP will lose all its credibility as a news organization, we need to pour ALL our support for Emely Wilder here, we cant let Ben Shapiro win this battle, no fucking way in hell, he cant win this, he has to lose, listen friends, I need nationwide worldwide condemnation of her firing or this right wing cancel culture will get a firm grip of what can be said or not, we cant have that, the sooner we put an end to it the better for all, so write to AP stage demonstrations outside their offices, do whatever you can, Emely Wilder need to be on air 24-7 all the time, all over the news, do your best, this battle has to be won, like the other battles we always win, but we need you to do your part to achieve this, Emely Wilder is a hero, she should be given movie roles like the sister of Wonder Woman or something in the coming movies, whatever it has to take, her face has to be all over the place, buy ads on busses with her picture on it, I would pay for it all, just do it, you can give me the bill later just do it, thank you.
This is one of those battles we have to win, we are the strongest we are the just and we must win all our battles against these Ultras, cant let them win, this is battle time the line is drawn, this is war now.
