Mystery as anchor-shaped UFO leaves trail of smoke before crashing into sea

They are coming !!! and they are NOT happy about this two state illusion I have been hearing that some are entertaining, and I also want to address my people in the entertainment industry, I need you guys NOT to make harsh comments on the Holy Land issue because the Ultras still have hold of some capital and media outlets and I dont want you to suffer their consequences, leave that dirty job to me, let me handle it, I need you to remain at your positions save your strengths to other matters like this young lady journalist Emily Wilder and such, you will have a greater impact if you putt all your efforts on subjects like this instead of commenting harshly on the very many crimes of the Ultras, I need you somewhere else, not on this subject matter, it doesnt mean you should stay quite because there is always a war waging somewhere you have a voice and you need to use it but use it wisely and where you can have most effect at, there are so many of you with different capabilities in your own fields so I cant tell you what to do and say in individual level, you know your own strengths better where it can do most good so do that instead of getting involved in the Holy Land issue, I will take care of it myself and dont worry about anything, just hold the line and spread the word, victory is at hand, God willing :)    
