Neil deGrasse Tyson's Skepticism Over UFO's

Looks like Neil have woken up on the wrong side of the bed today, he is not his old self, something is going on, personally I believe the reason he is trying to cast a vail over the fact that he and we all know the aliens are real is because he knows the end is near and he doesnt want to accept this outcome so he is in denial over this fact, but he should put his personal conflict aside because he is a scientist, he says, and a scientists should stay beside the facts not behind his personal denial of what he knows are true, I think this is what is going on in his mind right now, look friends, I personally have seen things, so can never convince me what I have seen is not true, its all true, we are NOT alone and never where, he knows it and its about time to at least not trying to hide these facts, he is NOT doing science or anyone else for that matter any favor.
