Netanyahu: 'Anti-Zionism is the New Antisemitism'

When Jesus in the Scripture speaks about the Synagogue of Satan and those who are pretending to be Jews but are not, he is referring to an ideology and not a race, but an ideology, Zionism is NOT Judaism and Judaism is anti Torah, so when I inform my Jewish people that you have enemies from deep within, most of you get offended, because you think you could never have these traitors within your own race and ranks being capable of tremendous backstabbing, then I say, you Jews must be the first and only race the only religion and people who have never had any traitors amongst you, you must be the first ones in history be released of traitors from within, but of course you are NOT the first ones, you like any other race creed and religious people DO HAVE traitors within you, you are NOT different, you suffer from the same sickness like the rest of humanity, so when I say, you have had in fact perhaps more than any other race of people from your own race and ranks who have betrayed you though out history, you better damn believe it, God has punished YOU more than any other race of people for a reason, if you are a religious Jews and a learned Jews in history and scriptures you wouldnt dispute me, once upon of time long time ago, God chose you to spread the good news you did that for a short while then you failed and here we are today, you have failed many times because of one primary thing, from traitors within, so lets put this question aside because you and I know its true, now lets go to the issue at hand here and the new traitors and enemies which Iam helping you identify which is Zionism, I am NOT your enemy, I am trying to be helpful here, you dont seems to get it yet, I am your best friend you have, I am also the King and this is what a King do, not the like Swedish king who send his people to murder an eleven year old kid by setting him on fire, this is how evil they are, I mean if you want a kid dead, why dont you kill him quickly by shooting him, but no, they tricked me into a place cornered me set the whole place on fire to trap me there but their plots failed, God opened a way for me to escape, I will tell more about it in my brand new book, baby :) but to get serious again.
The Zionists are the enemy from with in, and Satanyaho is a child of Satan, he is your enemy, he is of the Synagogue of Satan, he murdered Yisak Rabin !! he is a bad man, he is not a man he is a monster.
