Pentagon faces June deadline to issue unclassified report on UFO sightings

The reason the mainstream media is highlighting this is to prepare the masses for what is to come, I hate to repeat myself but simplify it again for you to digest it better here is the story never told publicly, these UFOs have always been here on this planet, they were here long long before we were (created), there was a war before we came around and the bad guys lost it, the luciferian call this era Atlantis, it wasnt an island with sophisticated people, Atlantis was the whole planet, God the Creator wiped it out because they became arrogant, at the end of this war, Eblis who you know as Satan thought God will make him the ruler of the new world that was about to be created, but because God knew how power hungry Eblis was, He never made him ruler of the new world, so God to mess with Eblis mind took the genes of apes and created a whole new being, the human being, the first ones were Adam and Hawa, what made this new creation most special was the soul God blew into them, from His own, no other creature have ever had this privilege, so Eblis got jealous and swore he will wage war on Gods new ruler of this planet and all his descendants which is us, so lets go back to Scripture, when God told us Jesus will decent with two angels on each side from the sky, you can take this literarily, it means, a man will decent from the sky, he wont drop or fall down or glide with a parachute, other beings who have been here before will bring him down, in this case angels, and the reason its done in this manner is for all around the world to witness the event, and the government is preparing you for this, the second coming is very soon, then a new war will be waged, and this time like times before the good guys are gonna win, at that time yours truly and Jesus will go around and kick asses, royal asses to begin with, we will decide who will be punished or not and no one else trust me, people minor and upwards will get what they deserve, some believe they are my friends, at that time they will be questioned them too for being such phonies, only good friends will be rewarded, and some time after the Final Victory, the world will end and this time for good, those who remain will vanish and myself and Jesus will be lifted by higher powers, we will be airlifted back home and there we will chill forever and ever, because we like chilling we like it very much, we were made for sufferings and chilling nothing in between its how things are decided, there is no rapture I just want to make this very clear, and this will be the final chapter of our history on this planet in this Universe, the end of the world is around the corner folks, and you are not descendants of monkeys like the luciferians wants you to believe, but dont take my word for it, soon it will all be proven to you who lied and who spoke the truth to you all along.
