Pompeo hits back at liberal journalist swipe over lab leak theory dismissal

We all remember it was you Mr Bombeo and your administration who insisted for a whole year to the end that nobody should worry about this virus and it would go away and now you want to blame this administration for not going after the CCP, why didnt you do it when you had the opportunity you lying hypocrite, and now you are in Israel next to your real boss Satanyaho whom plotted with the Saudis brought down the Twin Towers, you have no credibility you traitor to America and all its people, you should shut your mouth because you should be the last one to speak on national security issues, the last one, you are the biggest Antisemite there is, you want the Jews either converted to your beliefs or get killed, while I want neither of what you are seeking, neither convert them or having them killed in any shape, I want them to be the best version of what they already are, you see there are many differences between us, I am not an extremists, but you are, I dont lie, but you do, I am no hypocrite, you are the worst kind, I stand up against the Synagogue of Satan while you bow and serve it, you are the exact opposite of what I am and people like myself are, Jews hate you Bombeo, they dont need or want you to speak for them, they already have one right here, so piss off.
