Press conference and march on the subject of anti-Semitism in New York City

You never see anyone attacking these Jews, extremists attack each other because they operate OUTSIDE true religion and faith in God, there are hundreds of thousands of you Torah Jews, if you only also voted as I instructed, we could have done much much better, can you do it next time I need you to vote for someone ?? of course and you can take it from me, not all candidates are just like you and I, but life is about compromising, its a big tent with all Gods creatures and all were born with free will to chose their paths, I say lets close in all these many paths to as close as it can be and you Torah Jews have a voice and have some numbers to you, I need your vote power to get where we are supposed to get sooner, do this for me, do it for the King, he is asking you to, Shalom in the Holy Land friends :)
