Rep. Greene Compares Mask Mandates To Holocaust, Part 2 | The View

Meghan need to understand why some people are so and get so angry they take to extremes and assault people, the Zionist Goyims keep pointing to the 3000 little RPG like rockets they fire back at the Zionist State which less than 10% hits something on the ground and less than 10 % of the 10% of the rockets that is 1% actually causes casualties, which is tragic, one person loosing his life is like humanity has lost its life, but what these Zionist Goyims never turn to also equally point out is that the IDF strikes back on Gaza this open air prison they have created with over 200 air strikes with each fighter carrying at least four 2000 pound bombs and each time thats 160 000 pound of bombs the Israeli air force drops on this crowded open door prison each damn day, and that does not include the artillery shelling too, so go and fuck yourself Meghan, damn something is wrong with you, you are covering up for a war criminal Satanyaho, and why are you tearing yourself up like a lunatic when more than half of the Jewish people also disagree with you, the Jewish people dont need YOU Zionist Goyims to to cover up for the extreme right wing elements within their own community who is the cause of the Jew hating we see around the world, people like YOU Meghan are also to blame for the rise of antisemitism, and to address one of your other arguments, Muslims or Arabs are NOT the ones who attack Jewish synagogues here in the US in Europe or anywhere else for that matter, its the non Arab non Muslims to target the Jews world wide and especially here in the US, but I am telling you, I dont know who you spend your time with who are turning you into a what you have turned into but I suggest you make some changes there because you sound not very bright here, and I am trying to be polite, your arguments sound like an extremists of the third kind, you need Jesus in your heart, did you know the Palestinians are descendants of the disciples, you still have so much to learn Meghan.
