REPORT: 30 Million Americans Believe In QAnon

Dont be ridiculous Cenk, nobody believes Satan has two horns with a red tail, thats the Satan of the cartoons and movies, the real one is very much like us, but we are better than he is, much better, and also you are in the minority in the world what doesnt believe in God in Satan and the other things we dont see, I am sure you are also one of those who believe we are alone on this planet, telling you the truth, just much as you blame the legacy media and their mistakes you too buddy are part of the problem here with some and many of your own statements around what is real and what is not, sure there is a luciferian child molesting international cult that is very close and organized, I was living my whole life with them, are you telling me what I saw my whole life not just once or twice but what I saw my whole life that I am lying that is not true, well then your own life has been a lie too and I am being polite here, of course all these things are real, its not in just one party, its a sickness in all of humanity, with in all parties but the QAnon idiots have been politicizing this because they are brainless like that, other than that they also have seen things and brave enough as some of them are, they are trying to inform people of these dangers, the reason you at TYT are dismissing this is not that you dont believe it, its because you know how deep this shit goes and you are told to keep it down, because you know how high up in the ranks it goes, it will be devastating for all if all of this in its entirety comes out, thats why people dont want to approach me because they know I have a big mouth with no filters, this is bad for business, I understand that but what I also know is, my faith on God pushes me forward and as you all have witnessed how this young Prince have changed the whole world :) and according to the Supreme Promise and prophesies, I am going to be the King of Kings, with doing precisely what I am doing, what are you going to say on that day, when I am on top of the world, asking you, didnt I tell you so :) who was right and who was wrong all along, I was, the conspiracies are true, they have tried to murder me ever since I was born, yet here I am, have faith Cenk and Ana, dont be such cowards, have faith, stand with me and you will also be amongst the winners, and look, are we not winning basically every battle we engage in, you are witnessing it all, whats the matter with you, why is your faith this weak, let it be strong instead, my way is the way, their way will go to Hell, and yes Satan is real, he believes very much in you, he never had faith in me, and its a good thing because I would send him back from where he came from if God only grants me this final wish in life, the deal I made with God was this, even if I have to suffer for the remaining time left in my life here only if God grants me one wish for my last moment to do this part I would have taken the deal any day of the week, I only want one thing in life, is to send that piece of crap back to Hell, this is my reason to live here, and I am sure God will grant me this wish because only He knows how serious I am about it, the decision was made long time ago, its not something I came up with five ten 42 years ago, the deal was made before that, because everything hangs on this, the future of mankind hangs on this, everything does, even the future the wellbeing those naive fools who cannot see before their shadows those who cannot see even they have souls, dont worry Cenk and Ana, soon you all will witness the fact that we are not alone here and whatever comes your way, I want to see if you can handle it on that day, because I will come back and ask you how you feel then after what you have sawn, if you still are on your feets that is, I hope you are, because I like you.
