Robert Gates sees "very little prospect" of peace between Israel and Pal...

I am very well aware of what the Zionist this Synagogue of Satan is up to and always been up to, in Sodom at one time their hired Israeli agents were inches from me assigned to kill me, we all sat there and it was so very easy seemingly to kill me carve me up do whatever they wanted but it still never happened, God prevented them, in Spain Gran Canarias where I was anchored, from a tent on the beach at close range they tried to snipe me and they missed, look I know whats going on, I know these luciferians want me gone and they will try and try again and I am totally fine with it, I am so fine with it otherwise I wouldnt have bugged them this much, I really dont care what happens to me, we were sent here to this world for a job and when that job is done we die and leave, this is what the deal is and I am 110% super cool with it, but I can say this, if these luciferians finally manage to take me out, they will have so much problems on their hands they wont know what to do with it, it will be chaos EVERYWHERE, more than they can handle, if they think I am trouble wait till the day I leave the scene, at the end of the day I will be among the winners regardless, I am winning now and if God accepts my martyrdom that would be the greatest honor any man can reach, that means, I will be guaranteed a place at the best of places, these luciferians the problem with them is, they worship the worldly and what they have corrupted in this world that they will have a hard time even thinking about death, about leaving their material gain behind, people like myself, we are the opposite of these just idiots, we value true life after this one, so do your best be my guest if you think you can do it then fine, death is certain what matters is how you depart from this place, with good standing or in bad standing, but tell that to these luciferian Zionists, they will never get it, because they are dumb monkeys, all of them. 
