The rise of Kate Middleton: why she is desperately needed by the Royal f...

Let me tell you all friends how it really works with these (minor) royals, they are going to hate me further for me to inform you but its something I think you should know so here we go.
First of all, bloodline means EVERYTHING to them, you can be poor like a beggar that doesnt bother them much as when you saw Elisabeth marrying Phil, so thats one, she married that pedo garbage for his bloodline, and have you noticed EVERYTIME these (minor) royals is about to marry another and it doesnt matter which royal family, they ALWAYS have to point out, one of their royals married a commoner, this is something they put out there and it doesnt matter which royal family it comes from, the Swedish the Norwegian the Danish the British the Japanese it doesnt matter, all of them now days in the era of massmedia do this, but its far from what it actually seems, they never ever marry any commoner, trust me, I know, Waity Katy is from a Jewish blood line and she is NOT from just any either, they needed her bloodline mixed with the Windsors just like they needed the Spensors blood line also mixed with the Windsors to produce this bald ugly looking Will I Am, as I have told you, the blood line Waity Katy is from is a luciferian one, her whole family are top level devil worshipers, trust me on this I know these things, she was breed to marry Will I Am eventually like in the case with Princess Diana, none of this is a coincidence, its all well planed in advanced, like in the case with my own, I know I have a half black daughter, they have plans for her too, they send her mother, drugged me, that night she basically sexually abused me lol I mean she was on me and with all the drugs in me, I mean I am guy what is a guy gonna do, but I cant tell you how bad I felt so I left that party right after, so my own daughter came to be via a conspiracy, I am sorry to say this but its true, she wanst a love child or anything, they planed to get black genes in my own blood line, raise her marry her to one of their own and say, look she is a commoner too and a black one, arent we great like the rest of you commoners, thats what they are gonna tell you when she is about to be handed over to one of their own, making them look more like normal human beings, but trust me they are NOT, now my daughter is taught by them educated by these luciferians and what do you think she will be like, she is now one of them, I highly doubt she will be like me, she is one of them, I saw her once and honest to God, I didnt like what I saw to be fully honest, she could be a changed now I dont know, I leave that to God, but as I have written about before, it is God that decides what soul to give a fetus, for me it doesnt matter if a child shares a parents genes and looks, for me this means absolutely nothing, for me its all about if the souls are comparable or not, not the image and the looks, but as I am informing you, they have plans for her, they are educating her to become a leader, perhaps run for office or whatever it could be, so keep an eye on that, just like they did with Obama, he was raised to become the president of this country, and you saw how quickly it all happened, the guy came from nowhere and next day he was in the senate and the day after in the WH, it happened that quickly, a similar thing will happen with my daughter, honestly, I hate to use this term my daughter, I really dont like it, because of all these reason I told you about, she was raised by the actual luciferians and i highly doubt she is more of her father and much more of her mother and those who conspired to make her and raised her, but back to the family of Waity Katy, she is NOT this nice innocent commoner they want her to be portraited as, listen guys, a quick history lesson for you, all these European royal families are from the 12 Jewish bloodlines of Prophet Jacob they call Israel, if you follow their history, they migrated west wards and today they sit on top of all European royal households, every single one of them, and they have been there for centuries so its nothing new, its all a big conspiracy going on right now and trust me take it from me, they NEVER ever marry a commoner, but they would love to make it look so for obvious reasons and also trust me, they are all devil worshipers, honest to God, they are absolute evil and corrupt to their spinal cord, never ever take their word as gospel they always lie, and they have an evil agenda, have you see the European parliament building, it s the mirror image of the Tower of Babel, and why would you have that as the center of your policy making, I hope you friends are not that naive and dumb, you need to see whats right in front of you, and I am telling you what they are up to these little devils.
