These Dems 'don't really have an understanding' of Israel's conflict: Re...

I am gonna be completely frank with you all, when you hear these useless politicians speak about a two state solution which is an illusion, what they are saying is, we dont have ANY solution to the problem we only say this to delay and push aside the issue to another time because we dont know what to do about it, this is what they are saying to you really, they know for the reasons I explained to you why the Zionist Apartheid Regime will never accept a REAL Palestinian state with a standing independent military, they Zionists wont accept the having an independent country and the Palestinians wont accept anything less, nobody would, what is the meaning of a country when others will control your air space your integrity and leave you with no dignity, even if the Zionist Entity would agree to give back half of the Holy Land to the Palestinians which they stole it from, they wouldnt still allow the Palestinians any of these right any other country would take for granted, and these useless corrupt politicians who are not dumb as they look like in the case of Brad Sherman whom I very strongly suggest you vote out and replace him with more self respect someone more competent, we need people people than these who repeat this two state solution because they have nothing else to say, we need people who come with real solutions and not these with answers to anything, if we had proper leaders and enough of them offering real answers to peoples questions we would have solved many of these unsolved problems long ago, vote him OUT !! replace him with better.
