U.S. Goes "All Lives Matter" on Israel-Palestine

Ask Yisak Rabins wife, even she said Satanyaho okeyed Rabisn murder, she directly blame it on Satanyaho, it was an inside job, everyone knows it, he had him killed.
People shouldnt make this mistake thinking Qaza and the West Bank are run by the same Palestinian entity, Gaza is run by Hamas, people elected them and the West Bank is run by Fatah, what the deal has been structed is because Gaza shares a border with Egypt and Egypt is ruled by General Sisi-Boy one of the most brutal dictators in the Arab world and the best friend of Satanyaho, they are such good friends, General Sisi-Boy sells Egyps little gas it has for a cheaper price to Israel than he sells it to his own poor people, thats how good of a friend they are, just marinate on that for a moment, you couldnt make this shit up, its unbelievable, and General Sisi-Boy have closed its border to Gaza more tightly than the Zionist Regime has, but lets continue, the deal is now, because General Sisi-Boy helped with the ceasefire, all the foreign aid is to go for him and Egyptian contractors who all are in his pockets rebuild Gaza Strip, this is how corrupt this deal is, most of the foreign aid will go to Egypt and Israel to rebuild what Satanyaho destroyed, war is a racket someone said I think, its all about the benjamins here, all about money, money to be made for all around and guess who is paying with their blood again for these to make this shit load of money, you guest it right, the civilians.
And Cenk is daydreaming again, who do he think will agree on a two state solution, ask any Palestinian and you get the answer, ask the Israelis and you get the same exact answer, its a non starter so why even go there, the solution last on the list and these guys go first to the last and the most unrealistic solution which is no solution, its an illusion otherwise it wouldnt be the last argument on the list, realistically speaking, so lets talk about the imitate problems and that is, where will all this money go to now, I just told you where, its corruption all around, this is why this conflict will never end because its not meant to end, the argument of a two state solution is also to buy time for the settlers to steal more and more time to build on, this is the ONLY reason some are pushing for it, they know it will never work what they are doing is to give the Ultras more time to steal and loot, so you see, can you really trust these politicians, they are bought and payed for, this is why we never get to any final solution to any of our major problems to begin with, and meanwhile people are dying and the world is turning more and more chaotic by the day.
