Ahmadinejad urges Biden to 'use his chance' to repair Iran relations

Ahmadinejad is right in his statement saying, the foreign policies of the US is not dictated by the president but by powerful individuals the banksters behind the scene, so you in Myanmar people in Hong Kong Taiwan and other places, when you put your trust in people like Biden, you are wasting your time, it was these same banksters who made the decision to build up China, the decision was made over 50 years ago from what I know, and if you think people like Biden or these banksters to come to your aid, trust me when I say, your trust is misplaced, you can believe what I am saying or not, it doesnt matter but it is true, the world is a complicated hellhole thanks to these luciferians, and Ahmadinejad telling you this make no mistake, it doesnt make him of the good guys either, the good guys you never ever hear from or see them, those on stage are all paid and bought for, all Biden wanted was to get his name in the list of US presidents, thats all, thats all he and and the rest of these presidents wanted, to have their names up there, even though they know they have not much power in reality, they are slaves of others themselves, what remains for these presidents to do after they have left office is to either give speeches and get paid for it or like Obama go to create his own cult around his race, thats all he was good for nothing more than that, so now that you know how the world revolves, do you still think these elected officials to be gamechangers ?? ha think again.
