Bitcoin mining companies eyeing move to U.S. amid crypto-crackdown in China

Looks like the collapse of the dollar and the US economy is close at hand with this, I have told you, Bitcoin was created by the central banksters, think about it, why would the FEDs and the US government allow a competing currency stealing its market shares, why would they, it only make sense if you take in account that, they were they ones who created it to begin with, they want to collapse the US by design, this is what I have been saying for years, this is their grand conspiracy, to make another country the new ruling state in the world, and for that to happen, the US has to collapse, I predict this will lead to a civil war here, by design, and when that happens I am long out of here because I dont want any part in this conspiracy, Scriptures has described, Mystery Babylon (the US) will fall over night, it looks like this is how they have planed to go about it, this is not a the right vs the left and vice versa conspiracy, they all are in this together, from what I have been hearing is, during this civil war they have planed to have this young African American mix raced woman to "lead" those on the left, they have been grooming her for this purpose since she was born, same thing they had for young Obama planed since he was born, I bet that little devil Kissinger and company are behind this NWO luciferian agenda too.
 Some years ago I was asked if I liked to be the front face of this global NWO thing, be the man on the seat, and I told them to go and fuck themselves, not interested, not if these luciferians offers it, I wouldnt take it for all the wealth in the world, not from them, I fear my God not them, I knew if I accepted it that would be my downfall, a one way ticket to Hell, so I rather face my hell here in this world than having my Creator sending me somewhere where the sun shines so bright it melts your skin off your body over and over again, so no thank you, I rather take what is my by other means, God will provide for the God fearings, the Devil has nothing that could please me and you should do the same, if you know whats good for you, this world belongs to the Creator, the All Powerful All Knowing All Fair, all Just so fear Him, fear nothing else in this world but Him, this way you will have a future at least in the next world and here too depending how you deal your cards, this is how the structures of creation works, this is how it was design to work smoothly, I know I am speaking to deaf ears, thats why God will fill Hell with most of you, I am NOT joining you there, I intend to end up somewhere far from most of you, my only obligation is to tell you of what will happen if you dont pay attention.
And dont think for a second there is an easy way to salvation, a get out of jail free card, there is no such thing as rapture, because think about it, those who are under illusion of this theory, the rapture, they believe in a split second they will be taken out of this world, this is what they believe, that all of the sudden one second you are here next second you are gone, alright lets say you are a pilot of a passenger plane, and you are an Evangelical who would be raptured, taken out of this world while you are piloting an aircraft with 300 passengers, if you as a pilot would be taken out of here in a split second, and there is no pilot to fly the aircraft, and the plan crashes, all 300 innocent passengers gets killed, how unfair would that god be to sacrifice 300 innocent souls just to take one out, or both pilots for that matter it doesnt matter, no Jesus no God would do such a thing, but you Evangelicals believe God is this unfair to His creatures, you are of course wrong, the Creator would never do such a thing, you see, you have been wrong all along, you make no sense, take my word for it, there is no such thing as the rapture, you all will face the same thing I will face and the rest of humankind will face, we will face it together ! and on that day, you will come to me and ask me, whats next Sonny, what will happen next, and I will tell you what will happen on that day and the days thereafter but we are not there yet so you just have to wait, like the rest of us.
