Britney Spears compares conservatorship to sex trafficking in court hearing

Lets say it like it is, Britneys father treated her as a commodity from the day she walked on two legs, if he could make more money selling her as a prostitute and get away with it, he would, he never loved her, an investigation should be launched on who in the hell his close buddies are, we saw the same thing in Michael Jackson and his father, and I have seen mu fair share of this kind of shit too, but I am not like these innocent victims, I have an army, in the hundreds of millions, and soon in the billions, but thats for later ;) you dont fuck with a man with a fanatical loyal army behind him, just saying, but back to Miss Britney, the fact that they didnt even allowed her to date or have more children is what we say in this part of the world, slave trade, and we wont take this lightly, but thats also for later, all in its due time, all of it.
The judge must be fair and end this shit these corrupt slave traders have put her through, first her father and those monkeys messed with her head back then, and when she reacted they put her under this legal slavery, in Sodom they tried to do the same with me and in the UK also, but God saved me and I hope out of His Supreme wisdom, if He sees it appropriate that He sets her free too, God willing.
You see, I deem the Sodomies royal family and the British one to owe me, and big time, and if I dont get justice, they will face my own justice to whatever end, I will have justice !!! you dont mess around with soon the King of all Kings and get away with it, you dont, its not how things work anymore, this world with with Gods help be turned into a better fairer world, this is what God wants this is what I want and this is what the masses want, and who the hell are these luciferians to say otherwise ?? do something if you dont like it, its not like you have not tried everything, and guess who is still around to make the corrupt ones lose at everything and anyone I put my finger on :) monkeys.
I urge all to pour your support for Britney because, she is one of us, and we take care of our own against the corrupt ones, the evil ones.
