Catholic Bishops Planning Rebuke of Biden? Part 1 | The View

I dont believe anyones religion is dictating in state affairs and with democracy, science is dictating here and I hope we all believe in science, and science is telling us, if a fetus breaths oxygen have a beating heart red blood pumping though it, its a living in this case a human bein, science is also telling us, healthy cells are alive, and it would be wrong to kill a living breathing even a tiny living human being, why kill someone that is thriving, a woman have two months to think it over if she wants to keep it or not, to say that abortion even to the absolute last stages when there is clearly a human being inside you is not considered a human being while minutes after delivery is now considered a human being is absolutely insane, how can anyone reason like this, and some are even suggesting you can kill the baby right after delivery should be allowed take this whole thing to another extreme stage, again, science is telling us after 90 days thats a living human being inside you, and you cant terminate kill someone like that, you can do whatever you want with your body but not with anyone elses body, I cant even understand how some women have lost their mother instincts nowadays.   
