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I dont like this critical race theory even though I havent studied it myself in any great detail but I have listened to different parties regarding the content of it so I think I know a little bit about it and from what I have listened to, I dont think is a smart idea to teach kids at school about this theory, my theory is this and this I know much more about, the more you bring up race in any debate the worse its gonna get, we all have seen that, kids are already learning about Americas past history with slavery in their classes, and that should be enough I think, going into different theories will ONLY cause one thing and one thing alone, and that is divisions ! you dont want to create further divisions, I would rather see no one ever mention anyones race in any debate, I have heard people on the African American side say, there is no such thing as being color blind, that we are fooling ourselves and then they say other things too, judging from my own part, I am totally color blind, I have analyzed myself reflected on this issue and tried to play devils advocate played all kinds of scenarios in my head and honest to God, I came to this honest conclusion, I just must be color blind, I also came to this outcome that those who say there is no such thing as being truly colorblind must have some deep personal issues with themselves, thats why they cannot see that there are people who can be colorblind, then I am thinking to myself, what if the a society was awesome as I am lol kidding aside now, not that I am not awesome because I am fully great :) ok back to be serious now again, I am thinking what if from personal experience and from other cultures I have come by to see this theory working, what if we just stopped talking about race, as if it is no issue at all, what if we judged people from their conduct, how great things would have worked, and I have to say this, during Mohammad Alis time, things were different then, discrimination still exist but we have come a long long way since then, now I have to criticize my black brothers and sisters here a bit, and this is serious, when you African Americas and your idols speak in an uncultured manner, when cursing fuck this and motherfucker that in every sentence nigga this and that, when your idols on tv teaches your young generation to behave like this instead of being the best how God created you to me, and you still wonder why people not just white people but other races too, dont want to hire you and why your unemployment are this high, you never saw other races project an image of their culture the way you are right now, so naturally they get hired and clime the ladders in society while you are lagging behind, and I have also spoken to some white people here and they have some complains too, like you blacks can call a white person derogatory statements like whitey or white boy and so on and expect them not to get offended when they do, you have given yourselves these rights when you are only alienating yourselves in the eyes of so many, I suggest you change this as best as you can, and if you all did that, your situations would have improved drastically, so you share some blame for this racism too, and with some of these leaders you have no wonder things have not improved, because I shouldnt be the one to remind you of this, your own elders should have and insisted on it, I am certain, the older generation of African American educated activists like MLK like Mohammad Ali if they were alive today and saw what has become of their people they would have been the most outspoken ones on these matters I am reminding you of, they wouldnt have liked what has become of you, you need better leaders than Oh No Obama and such, you need faith in your lives you need to go back to what you once were, its very simple friends, you dont need any critical race theories you only need to do as I say, stop talking about race, things that divide humankind, instead speak more of things that unites us, and you need better musicians because what I am hearing nowadays, I dont even consider it music, its total rubbish, God has abandoned you, you just dont see it, He only helps those who first change their inner selves, reflect on that a bit, or more, more if you are smart and less if you are less smart, its up to you, good luck.
