Demonstrators in Ramallah call for Palestinian leader Abbas to resign fo...

You Palestinians must get your shit together and elect honorable leaders, there is way too much corruption governing you and have done so for a very long time now, I have long said, Fatah Hamas and the rest of them are all (corrupt) as hell, you have no idea how the children of Fatah Hamas leaders in Europe and the rest of their family members and what kind of sinful acts they are committing, I know because I have met them, they are stealing your money and have turned into worse than little devils in Europe, they are all drug traders and criminals all of them, I have seen it myself, you need to a total housecleaning just like the Iraqis need to get their act together and the rest of you, you accepted these criminals and now they are spreading their filthy and corruption and thats why you never get anywhere and still suffering, you will continue to live in misery as long as you have these criminals ruling over you, you need to throw every single one of them inside the System out, every single of those close to any power structure, to the last one of them, there is no other way.
