EU threatens action against Hungary's controversial LGBT+ bill | DW News

For these hypocrites "democracy" means, you either do as we say or we will sanction you, regardless how you voted, I strongly suggest Hungry like the UK get out of EU and leave that God forsaken organization and other countries should follow suit, it will be better for you this way, any this large organizations like the EU are probed to be infiltrated by the luciferians and their agenda is what you see, you either disregard your own peoples rights and do as we say or this is what they will do to you, so its better if you leave it before they impose their will on you, I dont like this Hungerian government but their rights to do what their people want has to be respected, which EU has no regards to, EU is a luciferian dictatorship, soon they will come and say, if they are not allowed to put the gay flag over each and every of your individual houses they will sanction you too, look how extreme and nonsensical they are, now they have a dude in the Olympics, yesterday he had a penis and competed in weightlifting competitions, today he cut his penis off and wants to rob the ladies of their opportunity to compete fairly, this is going too far, this is the agenda of another kind of extremists, the world today is governed by all kinds of lunatics as you all can see, nothing makes sense anymore, I dont care if you are a trans person, I have no issues with that, some are born in wrong bodies it happens, we have people born with both genders, not with 300 or so genders like some of these luciferians are trying to teach children, we only have three genders, male female and those in the middle, not 300 different genders, the luciferians are trying to confuse people deliberately to cause confusion to shedder what is left of humankinds nature in which they think they can benefit from.
I want to very shortly speak about something personal here which I intended to talk about more in my book about but its time to very briefly go into it right now that this topic has come up with the trans people, a decade ago or so the luciferians in Sodom drugged me with all kinds of drugs, E pills was one of the drugs they used, while I was high like hell and under extreme mental pressure all deliberately designed to mess with my mental health, on a party they had brought this trans person, and she was technically a woman, I mean with huge butt with big boobies and all that, but she was a trans, and I ended up screwing her, but it was a conspiracy, they brought this person to have me on tape screwing her, but anyways, I will talk more about this conspiracy and what these satanic rats did with me in my book, but again she was technically a woman so it wanst a gay thing or something, I never have EVER in my life had any kind of anal sex with anyone or anything like that, and when I came to my senses back then with the drugs not affecting my mind, I left that hellhole they had designed for me, so you can understand why and how much I despises Sodom but its not just them, the luciferians used the Iranian terror cult the MEK to pull this conspiracy on me, but God killed that whole MEK family, I mean all their sons in that family a few years later after I requested Him to wipe that family out, and He did, all praises to God because He and He alone can inflict such justice of the evil doers, so HE had all her sons but one killed soon after, but I blame the MEK cult leader Marjam Rajavi for this, and she will also face justice in due time, its a promise, by God All Mighty she will, no one will be able to protect her when the time comes for her to pay back what she owns me, I dont intend to talk more about this and will talk more about it in my book so stay tuned for that, the point is, I have experience with this issue of the trans people, and yes some of them or most of them have the right to change to one or the other genders, but its NOT fair for a dude that yester day was a man competing in the same sport to cut his penis off and go over to beat the ladies in their sport, its lunacy to suggest its any kind of fairness in that and if anyone claims that, you need to be brave and call them out and NEVER EVER give in, no matter if you have to bring the whole house down in the process, whatever it takes, dont let them win, if you do that everything is lost, these people have no shame they are out of their damn minds, so I think in the next elections, I will encourage to cast their ballots to the right over any lunatics on the left that would go along with this lunacy, I will very strongly urge my people to vote against these people because now we are talking about the structures of human nature and I also hope all you sane trans people also do as I have suggested, this is NOT against your nature, as I have stated, you have the right to decide your own gender, I am not the judge of you, God is on the Day of Judgment but you also have to give me something here, as I am trying to be fair to you, you have to be fair towards the ladies who was not born with your physical strength and let them compete fairly, we are trying to create a fair world here, for all, and if you cannot understand this then we have nothing to say to one another, but I hope you are fair in your judgment, I depend that you are, you trans people need to speak out against this with what is going on, these policies are doing you no justice, these policies will turn people against you because these policies are steeling something from another to be given unfairly to someone else, I am talking about sports, if you are a former girl now a boy and compete in mens sports thats fine, because you came in with a disadvantage and kicking the boys asses, thats fine, but you cant come in with a huge physical advantage and kick the ladies butts, its not fair, you know that and I know that so lets do this in the right way and everything will be alright.

Get out of the EU and then the UN because they are all run by the luciferians that have lost their damn minds, we have to create a worldwide global movement to redo these structures of power, but start with creating the movements necessary to topple the EU first and these corrupt politicians running it, good luck !
