EU to Hungary's Orban: Respect LGBT rights or leave

There are those who take their cause to the extremes and these people are doing either themselves nor anyone else any favors, it is clear that these LGBTQP people are pushing something on others that would rather to have things run smoothly for all, they try to politicize this to the extreme far side of things and its wrong, according to the law the LGBTQP people have already the same rights as any others in some aspects even more, if I ran naked in the streets I would have been arrested, if I scared children like that I would be sued and fined, if I tried to push my ideology on others I would have been called an extremists, but not the LGBTQP people, in my view this is going too far, now they even are trying to politicize sports too, and they also are trying to impose their LGBTQP agenda in houses of worship and businesses, these people wont stop till they place their flag of victory above your individual houses too it seems, what other ideology have these rights, no other of course, they are doing themselves a disfavor by polarizing the world in which they think they will come out victorious, I dont believe this will happen, I believe this will backfire at them, I also oppose these major organizations like the EU and the UN and the rest of them, because these mega organizations like any other major religious organizations always intent to get corrupted and then they impose this corruption on the masses, we humans were created with a powerful mind together with God given free will, combine these two and you will certainly have a healthy body in spirit and as a society, disconnect it and you will become a walking talking zombie, which these power structures seek to turn you into, so I propose Hungary to leave the EU and I hope others follow suit, do what the Brits did, they never collapsed, they are in fact doing better, now they are free, you can do it too, leave the EU and follow the middle path, you will do better this way.
