Full Interview: Former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad | CNBC Inte...

Keep in mind folks, Ahmadinejad ran the most corrupt government in Irans molla history for eight years, the most corrupt of all administrations, Ahmadinejad was the front face for people to have trust in while his appointed ministers enriched themselves by stealing peoples the countrys money, Ahmadinejad is as corrupt as those who he is speaking against, they all are corrupt, they are all a bunch of unclean rotten bastards fighting amongst themselves, thats what it is, there are no good guys there, the whole system and all those live under it are affected by this stench rotten smell of corruption, its all on them all, for all I care, Ahmadinejad can go to Hell with the rest of them, we dont need them, true Believers are uncorrupt, you cant corrupt them, we do make mistakes but we dont get corrupt, thats the difference between Believers and unbelievers.  
