"Hungary won't get kicked out of the EU, but Germany did kick them out o...

Here is some more of what I think of the matter, I believer they are politicizing sports like they do around other things, so the solution I say has to be a total boycott of all these events, I say dont go to these events, dont buy tickets total economical boycott is the only answer, just dont participate in any of their games, let your pocket books make them aware of that your voices still have some bearing in this going on because the question here is, what has LGBTQP has to do with sports now ?? yesterday they pushed it on the media then on public streets then in schools then in kindergardens now in sports and they wont stop till they have planted their flags on your houses too, where will it end, there wont be end to this, and this one bugs me greatly, you know where this symbol of a rainbow comes from ? what it is referring to, 99% of you do not know because you have been mislead but I will inform you, the rainbow symbol is one of the most sacred symbols of the Believers in Scriptures, the story goes back to Prophet Noah, when the Ark settled down, as the new symbol of wickedness got washed away, an enormous rainbow appeared as a sign from the Creator for a new beginning on Earth, and now these Luciferians wants to redo all that and take this religious symbol from the Heavens and rewrite history, so I ask you all, what do you think God will do this time around, I say from what I know is, this time around He will rain not water but fire upon this wicked people, I am not bashing the homos and the trans, I am saying, you now have stepped out of the line, not you but the Luciferians behind the curtain who has taken this heavenly symbol and turned into something it was not intended to be, do you understand what I am saying here or not ?? you could have taken any other symbol and I am not blaming you homos and trans people, you have been taken for a ride by the Luciferians whom most of them are not homos, Satan is NOT a homo, he hates you, trust me on this, he looks down on you, all he is seeking to destroy every single human being because God made Adam the King of this planet and not him, and ever since Satan has waged war on Adams decedents, this is whats going on, you homos and trans people are pawns in this game, and you dont realize that, but I am telling you whats going on, you can either listen to me or go your own way, for all I know the matter is already settled, God will rain fire this time around, but dont take my word for it what do I know, the signs are right in front of you, the EU parliament building is built after the Tower of Babel, its right there in front of you for Gods sake, why is that you think, gosh most of you are idiots, so only one thing remains, rain of fire and good luck with that, see if you can stop that, you arrogant fools, you are dooming us all you idiots.   
