Iran: Supreme Leader Khamenei slams "satanic" powers for undermining pre...

I pray to God you Irans Supreme Prostitute is still alive to see your satanic molla regime falls before your eyes and all those around you like you did with your general Soleymani, your time is soon coming to an end like any other criminal regimes and criminals out there, you will NEVER be forgiven for selling me for profits to the luciferians in Sodom (Sweden), war will be waged and you will one way or the other will be leveled to the ground, there is no other way around it, not only Iranians but more than plenty of Believers around the world will join forces to do whatever it takes to invade you, arrest you, and do you and all those around you justice, and I will lead that effort to the my last moment in this life, you have my word on this, executing you is too easy of a punishment, you and those with you will be kept alive, in a deep dark hole under ground a hole you wont be able to lie on, it will be a meter in diameter where you will spend the rest of your lives in, you will eat shit sleep if you can there for as long as God keeps you alive, this is how you and those with you will be treated.
Listen you no good of a rat, we know Satan and his people control the whole planet, more or less, the luciferians are in just as much control here in the US as they are in Iran in Saudi Arabia in Sodom in China Russia you name it, dont act as if you are the pure one, who the Luciferians cannot have not penetrated, he has penetrated YOU hard and deep more than any other so you better shut your mouth, the same luciferians who ordered the old Shah around never left Iran, we know this, and I know it, you dont fool anyone here, you are benefitting from the same heroin trade, the same child abuse sex cults, they are still there and as active as they always have been and YOU let it happen, it is not me you satanic mollas have be afraid of, its God the Sovereign of you this planet and and the world it revolves in, you should have feared Him and from what I know, He is going to rain down on you, this time with fire, the same fire and fury your master whom you sold out to out of fear will dwell in, all you need to know is old man is, the day for your departure to Hell is soon, I wouldnt want to be you right now, and know this, the anger I have for you and those like you, will never ever be extinguished, if the world has to be turned upside down, YOU and those luciferians like you, MUST come to PAY !!! nothing less than that is acceptable, a total victory is the only payment that will be accepted, and YOU WILL PAY !!!
Kill me if you can its the only way you are going to get rid of me, there is no other way, but you cant, I am fully protected, not by men but by God, it means, I will fuck you up, you and you luciferians are so screwed ;) this world belongs to Creator and He is on my side, and my side will be victorious, just look around, we are winning everywhere and its going to continue like this.

Worldwide Revolution, and nothing less than that will do, do you hear me you corrupt rats around the world, soon your time will come too, you are not powerful enough to stand against whats coming your ways, none of you is that powerful, you will all fall every single last one of you. 
