Long-Awaited UFO Report Leaves Central Questions Unanswered

Something to consider, just playing with the thought here, what if humankind is not that ancient as some think it is, what if we have been only around for 7000 years or so, the Universe has been around for billions of years, but what if we are physically related to the apes in the sense that someone took the DNA of apes and created us, what if we have been living on a prison planet and that those who created us has kept out of sight and that the purpose of us inhabiting this planet has been for an appointed time to see how we treat one another, much like a reality show for those who created us, the thought is of course frightening for many of you, because you have been programmed to believe you that is us to live on and on forever and to inhabitant other planets, giving you false hopes like that, why do you think some of these filthy wealthy people instead of spending their wealth fixing the problems on this planet instead invest their wealth in order to escape this planet to some very hostile worlds like other planets, does this make sense to you, it doesnt for me, if I had all that money, why would I like to spend my time my wealth to go live on Mars, look I like adventures and doing the impossible stuff too but I sure hell wouldnt spend my time and my efforts to leave this planet for a moment even if was a second left of this planet left, I would have wanted to stay here to the absolute last moment of my life, but these wealthy individuals who are very well informed about the actual origin story of this world these Godless people these greedy people they are doing everything in their power trying to leave this or provide a way out of it, because they know whats actually going on, and I am telling you friends, we were created put here on this planet for an appointed time and then its it, and we were NOT the first intelligent beings here on Earth, there were other reality shows before ours, and those folks were wiped out by the same Powers who created us, its nothing special about us except that this new creation humankind occupy part of the Creators Soul, thats the only thing that makes us apart from any other intelligent creations, other than that, we and the apes are physically related, the criminal Luciferian elites dont want you to know these facts because if you knew, you would fall on your knees and do as your Creator has instructed you to be like, not the lowsome creations you have become today, the other highly developed civilizations before us faced the same fate we are about to face very soon, and people like Neil have been informed about this and he is scared like hell himself thats why he religiously deny there are even aliens around, I promise you, even when the aliens visibly come out for all to see, people like Neil will still deny it, he will then come up with some scientific explanation for it, because Neil is afraid of death, when death is the actual beginning of life, what he fear most is, he doesnt like to be canceled from the show, he fears he will not amongst the winner of this reality show so he says anything and by that fool himself to deny reality, it has nothing to do with science, its about being honest, and Neil is not an honest man, fear governs his judgment and he is not alone in this, Neil is just following orders he has been told to repeat, listen friends, everything I am telling you here is true, our race is a new creation, Prophet Noah and Prophet Adam the first human being were closely related, we havent been around for that long, I have been telling you, before Prophet Adam was created, there was a war on this planet, that era the Luciferians call Atlantic, it was not an island in the Atlantic, it was the era 7000 years ago and those folks like us, finally destroyed themselves by becoming arrogant, and the Director of that reality show ended the program what they are about to do with us soon too, history repeats itself as you have heard, we are NOT leaving this planet, we can try, we are allowed to try but those who created us are super confident we wont be able to so they wont even try stopping us, we are allowed to try, they are just sitting there watching it all and laughing right now, because they know the end of our stay here is coming to an end, like before, there will be a final war and this time around we wont fight this war only between ourselves, other entities have also a stake in this, some of them will be on our side that the the good side, and some on the evil side, in which most of these human Luciferians will take the side of, just like before, many of the aliens are on our side that is on my side and from what I know is, we are going to kick their ass this time too like before, we will be victorious, my side that is then we will have this planet for ourselves for a short while as victors then the Creator will end the show all together, then there wont be no more shows for anyone, that is the end of the world, this is how its going to play out friends, its very simple, I am so certain of this thats why I have no worries whatsoever, this is why I take no precautions moving around, because I know how its going to play out, I know the Creator is on our side, the game is fixed, we are going to win, the only important question is, how many will wake up to the fact and have their place secured in the next life in this dimension we call Paradise, I of course want all of us to end up there but that is wishful thinking, because just look around you, basically everyone except a small number of us have lost their minds, they have become destructive and for those there will be no pleasant resting place in the next life, they will end up on the opposite side of where some of us will go to, with Gods grace, God willing, people like Biden and the rest of them and us will be separated because they traded the worldly over what God has promised us, people like Biden think they are privileged and honored to be granted the positions they have been granted, what they dont see because they are blind is the fact that, its the opposite of being truly honored, what they have been granted is in fact a curse if you dont act righteously that is Godly, thats why one one should ever seek to ask God to be granted any position of power because it comes with a high cost, a great responsibility and if you fail which 99% of the leaders always do, you have doomed yourself for eternity to come, the proper way to spend your appointed time in this life is to, keep your head down in humility and just walk the path of what has been subscribed for all of us by the Creator, in this way you will have a good chance coming out of this reality show with good standing, with good approval ratings, because trust me, They are watching and you are being judged, the poor and the wealthy, everything is getting recorded my friends, trust me on this, everything is !!! I am telling you, there is not much time left, wise up if I were you, the end is near, the end is always close by, death can visit at anytime, make sure you do things the right way, good luck now :)
