Obama's FEEBLE Fight For Democracy

The reason Obama is not trustworthy is obvious to me and to many others yet why his worshipers cannot recognize the same fact is indeed very frustrating, Obama was (groomed) to become president from his childhood, look who his mentors were, Henry Kissinger and alike, the slaves of the 17 Families, the ruling elites, why you guys at TYT wont ever touch upon these issues is also very concerning, none of these politicians wont ever serve the people and the country, you know, back in the days when I was anti establishment which I still am, I remember these phony anti establishment so called activists online on the right side of the political spectrum, and these guys were the most vocal and loud conspiracy theorists on the internet, when they turned out and started to worship Trump I lost all confidence in these so called activists, there they showed their real faces, and on the left, there are no real activists either, or we never heard from them, they never touch upon who runs the world who is who and what is going on, the left always raise up the superficial topics and never diverted from this, while the so called activists on the right did raise these issues but when Trump came into the picture they started to actually worship the man, Trump and even many of them put him above God, or next to Him, so I am thinking, there are no truth tellers left, anywhere, they are all phonies, even the Progressives are phony as hell, though I know one thing, the independents the none voters, the silent majority, they are still lurking back there still disappointed, on me on you on everyone, and I dont blame them, they are the ones who have kept the faith, they shouldnt be too disappointed at me, because being me is most difficult and always has been, no one could have made it this far as I have made it and I am still not finished, but placing hope in people like Obama is a misplaced hope, I mean just look at those characters who appear on his zoom conferences and lectures, those naive boot licking faces, those who are in need of worshiping an individual, those who would do basically anything to have a seat next to ANY dear leader, people with no dignity whatsoever, what makes them better than the QAnon people who still think their own dear leader Trump is the one to save the day, we are indeed living in strange times where nothing makes sense for the masses and in such times, people who have lost all hope like the QAnon people and those who worship Obama feel they have no other choice but clinging holding fast to someone to whatever end, because they are followers like brainless slaves with no mind of their own and they feel they have found their tribe, and it is in such times many so called Antichrists will rise up and draw the lost masses to their side by offering them false hopes, I am not optimistic about anything, these selfserving politicians are experimenting with the System and each time they fail, they drag the country deeper along with them, like this fillibusting, the way it is designed, where a minority and a small one too can derail any progress put a stop to any kind of legislation the majority proposes, right there is in my view and the end of democracy, in the senate where nothing gets done, they only debate to no end, and its has even gone farther than that, it has divided the country and guess who is paying for all their mistakes, the citizens of this country, and anyone with a clear mind can see where this will lead to, it will lead to to begin with, the kind of inflation we see today, it has lead to the rich getting richer while there is basically no middle class left, the surviving struggling portion of the masses are not considered the middle class, basically everything is going to the shitter and has done so but we dont talk about any of these issues.
Yesterday the slip fees was raised with 50% just like that, and I told one of the guys here, sure you got your little stimulus checks some time ago, now you are paying it back to its lenders in this way and in many other ways, money is not just created out of the thin air, now they want it back, this is inflation for you, now you have to pay 50% more for your slips over night, in a year or two add another 50% to it so on and so forth, its like the parable with the frog in the pan, you are slowly getting poorer while those you worship and look up to are getting filthy rich, somebody has to loose for another to collect massively, and you are getting the end of it you are falling behind, so what do you think this 6 trillion dollar Biden bill will create, its another high dose of heroin in your veins, prepare for the day when the drugs are cut off, then you will be sorry you took it, what goes up will fall down eventually, you are on high right now and these politicians know nothing better than putting you on high, because its not their money and they themselves are doing good, even if they lost 80% of theirs they will still survive but will you, you wouldnt, but go on and worship these billionaires and wealthy people as your life depended on it.
BTW, I do exorcisms now for ten dollars per head, its on sale so hurry up its ten dollars for kids and twenty for adults, the offer is to the end of the month, then I have to raise my own fees with 50%, inflation baby.   
