Outrage at EU country’s homosexuality education bill

Bravo to Hungary ! the less of sexualizing our children in any shape or form is a good thing, today the liberals seek the exact opposite, they seek to sexualize as much as possible, and people wonder why our kids are on all these medications, who but big pharma is benefitting than them, so good on Hungary and to Poland and to all traditional cultures in Europe, you are doing the right thing, leave the EU, thats what I did, the further west of Europe you get the crazier things gets, they have lost their cultures, in fact there is no culture left in west of Europe nowadays, 70 years ago and further back in time, things looked different, people were good, they were cultured, today they call ultra liberalism culture instead, so much have changed and not for the better, today in Sodom (Sweden) a ruling pedophile cult is running their whole country, its beyond comprehension, old Swedes if they knew what is going on today would turn in their graves, an Evil has taken over western Europe so you in the traditional east, you need to keep the faith !! or big pharma will infect your children too with what they are selling at high cost to people in the rich west, because they can afford to pay for their snake oil meds, here in the US we have the fake progressives telling the people, just because the US in the past messed up things in South American countries, now we are obligated to open the borders to bring in unlimited numbers of those who like to migrate north, well in Scriptures its clearly stated that the sin of the father must not burden their children, but the Ultra Liberals have no sense of logic, their policies is creating disorder everyday and it looks there is no end to it, so people need to speak out, this is what happens when there is dissatisfaction its natural, soo keep the faith and the culture strong Hungary and to all other nations around the world who like to see things improve not to deteriorate which it has today clearly, but these corrupt paid operatives of the big corporations these politicians they are doing good for now themselves, so of course they cant rely to anything working class people are feeling right now, I just saw that these new Nigerian immigrants, have become more powerful than the traditional Italian mafia in Italy in a short amount of time, this is outrageous, this should never had happened, I imagined the native crime syndicates of any country to always be Nr1 in crime making and on top of things, whats going on ?? we need to get back to how things used to be, thats what I am saying, and an update, my exorcism practice is doing so well I need to move to a bigger office so I am hereby announcing, I am looking for partners expanding my enterprise to other regions and to online for the world to benefit from greatly, we take all kinds of payments, from sheeps cows chickens cat dogs and also crypto nothing is off limits, I am also thinking to produce a show on tv I think I am going to call it, ExorsismOnDemand, I dont know how does that sound guys you like it ?? pay per view baby, its gonna be great so make sure you tune in for that one too, its all coming up soon.
