Playing God: the faces behind controversial baby cloning | 60 Minutes Au...

You know I have to comment on this :)
Think about it, if its this easy to clone a being by just taking the DNA of someone implant it in and grow it in a womans womb, dont you think these loonies or anyone with a simple lab would have done that by now, of course they would have, but they have not succeeded or the secrete would have been exposed by now, from my knowledge there are no clones around but one, one time it has been done and after that none of these Luciferians have succeeded to replicate that, so the question is why, this is what you should ask yourselves, dont you think they tried and tried for decades but never succeeded, the simple answer is, its not that simple as these Luciferians wants you to think it is, they have the science because we can clone animals but when it comes to humans its not that simple, the science is the same but at some point that is to blow life in the fetus we are entering something way beyond science, something these crazy devil worshipers dont seems to want to accept, and also, how can you take a man seriously when he dresses like this cult leader, this is what I say about any religious or a cult leader, when they dress like loonies with their dress code how they make themselves look apart as if they are special, to another point think about it, if you was a Luciferian of highest ranks, because remember, Luciferianism is the second oldest ideology in the world,, the first ones were the God fearing then the followers of Satan came to challenge it, so think about it, if your satanic ideology has been around since right after we were created long time ago and you have accumulated all this wealth, what parts and aspects of life would you infiltrate to corrupt humanity, you would infiltrate the banking system the war industries Pharma of course, and if you have paid attention, what is the symbol of pharma, a snake in the form of DNA, a serpent, keep that in mind, so these industries is the first ones you as a devil worshiper is the ones that you would have taken full control over, and this is where the majority of these Luciferian are at right now, I know for a fact that because I have seen it and you would be very surprised how many of your physicians your doctors are actual Luciferians, I would say, basically every single of major practices government or privately ran and owned are run by Luciferian cults, they are all connected, trust me your trusted doctor is more likely a devil worshiper than not, government run or not, they have infiltrated everywhere, when these loonies say there is no God, what they are saying, we know there is a God but we follow Satan instead, and trust me, they are so frustrated they cant even do a "simple" thing like cloning a human being, because they know their master Satan cant even help them out with a simple thing like that, and these idiots still worship that idiot Satan, soon God will fill Hell with them all then they will know what mistake they committed by falling for their own arrogance and for Satans, truth be told, Satan dont give a rats ass about these monkeys whom follow him, Satan this character believe he was created himself by something more prestigious than atoms, star dust, clay, he looks down on these idiots to the point that these monkeys dont seems to understand it, yet, but they will, when he will stab them in the back when time comes and that time is around the corner.
From what I know and right now I am super serious friends, from what I know is, God the Creator will end all lifeform like He has done in the past when His creations step out of the line and act as if they are gods themselves by manipulating life and we have reached that red line by now, these Luciferians have doomed us all, you have them to blame for what is about to happen, and you think He will allow you to take your shit to other planets haaa think again, the problem is among other things, your elected leaders, these corrupt politicians.
