President Biden under fire from the Catholic Church | GMA

Catholic bishops ! keep the Faith and keep it as pure as you can, you have my support on this, but you shouldnt go too extremes on the issue of abortion, the fact of the matter is, God sends the soul into the fetus after 90 days, abortion even before that is sinful but its not murder of a living human being, the Creator always leaves a way out of for folks to commit major sins, He could have send a souls sooner than the 90 days but He didnt, the world we live in this Middle World has to function for ALL to gain something from it, something for everyone, so dont go too extremes on any issue and on the issue around abortion either, God granted us this option as His Supreme Mercy because He doesnt want to fully punish everyone harshly, neither should you, so stay true to the Faith, you have this right to oppose abortion the way some of these liberals are imagining it but as the same time you shouldnt subscribe to the hardline religious fanatics either, this is my advise to you, dont close all the doors to the mislead masses just as God has kept some doors open for all of us in His creation, keep the Faith and do it justly, no president is above the Laws of the Creator, no one is, Biden it looks like is a politician first before being s true Believer, a God fearing man, let him go astray if he likes, it wont change anything.
