Professor Abdullah Ali discusses the Mahdi, Second Coming of Jesus, and ...

You Evangelicals have no idea how much you and I have in common with respect of how we view the world and our life styles, we are one and the same, putting theology aside because some of the words in Scriptures if you have eyes to see were written by men, other than that what is in your hearts is what you and I share and people like I share we are one and the same, lets put all that aside and share our view of how the world would look like, its the same view, its the same thing we seek, if you only saw that, we would have been the best of friends, there are no differences between us, we want the same thing, cant you see that ??? we could have been the best of neighbors as if there were no difference between us , I wish one day God will unite us, the only thing that has come between us is the Devil and his followers, we want the same thing, we share the same values, dont let the Devils come in between us, please dont, let Jesus when he comes back settle the final dispute, meantime we need to unite against the same enemy, and we both know who that is, so I beg of you, lets unite forces and together we can be victorious, lets do that, lets our life style determine out unity, we want the same things !!!  
