Snowden: 'Assange could be next' after McAfee's death

In Sodom once the Luciferians sent to murderers to stab me and kill me in my cell in prison in which the state of Sodom conspired to commit a crime for them to sentence me to prison, its not the first time they have broken their own laws by inciting me to commit a crime, what a hellhole Sweden is, to these slave traders the shia mollas sold me to, Irans supreme rat will be held accountable for this and all in his IRGC too, criminal bastards, may God send them all to Hell and keep them there forever and ever, I say this again to the mollas, dont blame Trump for the assassination of your beloved general Soleymani, I caused it, I asked God to have him killed and sure thing, He granted me this wish, so dont blame Trump, blame me you rats, thats what you get for taking the side of Evil over me, and I am not finished with you mollas yet, you will be destroyed, now to the point I was to make with regards to Assange and the UK, to whom the mollas sold me to, Sodom and the ruling satanic elites of the UK are one and the same, its the same Evil entity, when they imprisoned me in the UK a in 2018, they sent me to this immigration prison, there they drugged me too, I dont know what they gave me but for over three weeks whatever they gave me messed with my short term memory, for more than three weeks I couldnt remember my cell room number, a simple thing like that, I had a hard time locating my room and what number it had, and I have told you all, the day we left Iran for Sodom, the flight made a stop in the UK, there the Luciferians took me aside and sprayed me with an agent I cant say what it was, imagine they take aside an eight year old child to a separate room, there they spray your face with this whatever it was, may the curse of God be upon the house of windsor and all their close followers and supporters and the Sodomite royal family and the house of Irans supreme Whore and all those who follows them, they surly will end up in Hell and have their own faces sprayed with hellfire over and over again, this is my wish of God, to inflict hell upon them in this life and next, so yes Assange is in danger in their hands, he surly is, these people are as evil as it comes, I have to be honest, knowing what I know today, I wouldnt oppose in any shape or manner when God rain fire upon this world to clean house with, because you folks out there have no idea what kind of corruption is governing this world right now, just because you dont see it doesnt mean the masses are not suffering and have suffered for a very long time, this world will return to the correct way eventually, this much God has promised us all He has also promised us victory and I want to see that before I leave this world, I have no care for the riches this world has to offer, I just need to witness this supreme justice God has promised his people, then I will leave this world knowing we became victorious, that we won that Evil has been defeated once and for all, I say this to all friends out there, do not place your trust in any politicians or any power structures, rely on God the Creator and put your trust in Him alone and His angels, this is the right way.

