Stelter: I watched Hannity's show for a week. Here's what I found

I want to start with this sentence for relevant people to notice, this is the main point of it all, these people are USING Mr Trumps brand name, sure people can have personal disagreements regarding between Trump Obama Hillary and the rest of it, but what is happening right now something Mr Trump has to be fully aware of is, some are (using) you Mr Trump ! and look what they have caused, they have caused your business take losses debranded your name and its not like (they) are compensating you for any of your personal financial loses, or are they ???? they have caused you now being prosecuted for any kind of things too, are they going to pay for your legal fees, they dont give a damn about you Mr Trump, why are you continue letting them insulting you defaming you and causing your family this much harm, I dont get it, I predict if you keep allowing them to do this to you it will only get worse and worse till you lay in your death bed cursing them all, is that what you want ?? you will go to your grave a very unhappy man Mr Trump, look I have stated many times, I do like you as a person, you and I would have got along super fine if you from time to time took my advise, I understand going back to a normal with these people around you is a difficult task as far as they have taken you, but its never too late to reverence course, I super strongly believe, if you toned down the rhetoric much and you know what I am talking about, if you sent a more positive message in your rallies, it would make it much easier for me to also put in a good word for the prosecutors in NY to lay down their accusations against you and God willing put this whole thing behind us, it will do the country and the tax payers much good, I think the persecutors would listen to me if we could offer them something here, look brother, you are a 75 year old man, dont you want to chill and have truly a good time before leaving this life and leave a legacy where people said, in the end he did the right thing, your own supporters would say that, to say he left this life as a man of peace whom loved his country, this could be what it is written on your grave stone instead of leaving a brand name of fire and chaotic for your offsprings, and btw, I have to admit, sure thing, we missed you :) I watched the whole rally yesterday :) your future rallies could sound a bit more hopeful if you wanted, just change the script a bit to sound nicer, I know you can :) we have to get together sometime in the near future and chat a bit, you and I man, you can teach me how to play golf and we could exchange thoughts and ideas how to fuck with peoples :)
